Friday, June 8, 2012

Welcome to my daughters imagintion!

I have decided to start a blog about my 4 1/2 year old daughter and her very lucky dolls.  Adelyn's dolls, are currently, on a train ride heading to a dance contest where her twins Kit Kat and Ritka are performing.  Adelyn's dolls have daily adventures going everywhere from the Grand Canyon to being featured on Nanny 911.   Watching her play, use her imagination, and simply enjoy her childhood is something worth blogging about.   This is something to remember. 

 Let me introduce you to the cast of this blog.  First, and most important, my 4 1/2 year old beautiful, smart and very creative little girl - Adelyn.  Adelyn is the light of our lives, our oldest child and only daughter she is a bit spoiled --- but she deserves it!   You will get to know Adelyn very well if you continue to follow this blog!
 Now here is Ava.  Ava was Adelyn's Christmas present this year. Ava is Adelyn's first 'big girl' American Girl doll.  Ava get's into trouble, a lot, and you often find her in 'time out'.  

 This is Erica.  Erica was MY american girl doll when I was growing up.  I like to think of her as the 'queen bee' of Adelyn's doll house.  She often uses Erica as the babysitter for the bitty babies and she is considered the 'oldest' of her dolls - which make sense ... she is about 20 years old.  =)  Nothing makes me happier then watching my daughter play with this very special doll.

 Here are the bitty twins, named Ritka and Kit Kat.  These twins were purchased in Chicago at the American Girl doll store for Adelyn's 2nd birthday.  Thank you Aunt Tessie.  :)  These girls are currently 'teething' and going to preschool ... at the same time - so they can be a bit cranky. 

And to finish off our cast, for now, here are the "Lucy's" - we have two Lucy's.  One was mine was I was a little girl and the other was Adelyn's first birthday present.  They share a name because, well, they are identical.  Lucy's babies are often 'kidnapped' by Adelyn's little brother ... and poor Eli has even been put in jail.  But that doesn't stop him.

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